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The purpose of this site is to provide an overview of my educational and professional experiences and goals to become a Doctor of Occupational Therapy.

Vision Statement

I am preparing to be a driven pediatric occupational therapist working to promote inclusion and increase opportunities for children and adolescents with disabilities. I am passionate about young people with disabilities and the gifts they have to contribute to society. I want to work in pediatrics to empower children and families to achieve health, well-being, and quality of life.


Woo stands for “winning others over.”  People with Woo love to meet new people and learn about new experiences. I definitely see this trait in myself because meeting new people is exhilarating to me and I love learning from other people.





            Based on the Strengths Finder 2.0 test through Gallup, my five top strengths are:


People with strong Positivity talents are quick to smile and always on the lookout for the upside of the situation. They always look for the brighter side of the situation. 



Most people growing up have always described me as optimistic and enthusiastic. I do not like negative environments and I focus on converting negative situations into positive situations. Positivity brings joy to my life and I want to share that with others!


People with strong Belief talents have enduring principles that they live by. They have a strong sense of purpose and are motivated by their mission in life.



I definitely have a strong Belief talent because I am always motivated by having a strong sense of purpose. I always have been. My parents said they knew I was strong-willed since I was a toddler. When I get discouraged, I remind myself of why I want to be an occupational therapist and what I want to contribute to this world. Having a strong sense of mission definitely gives my life meaning and direction.


People with strong includer talenter love to “stretch the circle wider.” People with Includer love to make sure everyone is included and view every person as equally important.



I believe I am an Includer because I naturally am always looking for how to make people feel loved and welcomed. I always try to view people as equally important and that everyone’s voice should be heard.

Arrangers are people who enjoy managing all of the variables until they have arranged them in the most productive configuration possible. Arrangers are very flexible and love to be efficient and effective with their time.


I think I am an Arranger with my time and resources because I like to organize my time to be as productive as possible. When I am set on something, I am determined to get in done as efficient and effective as possible!


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